Girl Scout Wiki

Ambassadors are Girl Scouts who are in eleventh and twelfth grade (around ages 16-18).[13] They wear the same khaki colored vest or sash as Cadettes and Seniors.[2] The Girl Scout Membership Star is worn with navy membership disks.[5]

Ambassadors use the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting for Ambassadors[6] and the National Leadership Journeys[7] to earn badges that are shaped like an octagon. They may earn the Counselor-in-Training (CIT), the Counselor-in-Training (CIT) II, the Volunteer-in-Training (VIT), the Ambassador Community Service Bar, the Ambassador Service to Girl Scouting Bar, the Gold Torch Award, the Ambassador Safety Award, and the Bridge to Adult Award.[16]

Ambassadors are eligible to earn the Gold Award.

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